Hi guys and gals,
Projek Wayang is proud to announce our latest public performance,
almost in conjunction with Hari Raya festivities: Wayang Rakyat @ The Curve. Featuring Aziz Ali, Azmyl Yunor, and Fahmi Fadzil, with puppets by Fahmi Reza.
There will be two performances over four dates, with two workshops on introductory puppetmaking for kids.
30 September, 4.30pm - Sang Kancil and Sang Buaya
7 October, 4.30pm - Pak Pandir and the Bowl of Honey*
20 October, 2.30pm - Sang Kancil and Sang Buaya
21 October, 2.30pm - Pak Pandir and the Bowl of Honey*
(*title might change)Synopses
Sang Kancil and Sang BuayaOne day, as he was walking around the jungle, Sang Kancil spots a grove of fruit trees across the river. As he tries to cross the river, he encounters the fearsome Sang Buaya, who is intent on eating the little mouse deer. What will Sang Kancil do to get at those fruit trees?
Pak Pandir and the Bowl of HoneyMak Andih has grown tired of Pak Pandir's loafing around the house, so she sends him out to gather things from the jungle that they could sell. Pak Pandir finds some honey, and bringing it home decides to eat it instead of selling it, against Mak Andih's wishes. What becomes of Pak Pandir and his greedy ways?
Flyers should be out soon.