Upcoming Performances

  • Wayang Siang (work-in-progress title), 2010

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hi guys,

The Projek Wayang team is proud to announce we're in talks to bring a few more shows to Klang Valley folk. As we're still in discussions, a lot of details aren't available at time of this post, but we'll be sure to update the site as soon as more info trickles in!


28 June 2008: Projek Wayang @ KLue Urbanscapes

Taking place at the Kuala Lumpur Performing Art Centre (KLPac), we'll most likely be performing Wayang Buku and another performance as well.


August 2008: Projek Wayang @ CapSquare Merdeka soft launch

Wayang Rakyat: Kisah Sang Kancil & Sang Buaya+ The Misadventures of Pak Pandir