(Ronnie and Fahmi, amazed that they haven't burned down the house with their poor electrician skills)The Projek Wayang team has been hard at work rehearsing for the KLue Urbanscapes 2008 event happening this weekend, 28th June 2008, at the KLPac. As we've mentioned before, we will be having two performances happening that day:
# Wayang Buku - 3pm, Resource Center (next to the Pentas 2 entrance)
# Wayang Lampu - 8pm, at the Indiecine (on the way to Pentas 1 entrance)
On the rehearsal side, Wayang Lampu seems to be growing in an interesting direction; thanks to the triumvirate of soundsters - Aziz, Azmyl & Ronnie Khoo - we'll be exploring sounds in this piece more concertedly. It's looking good.